Wolfscote Dale - Peak District Walk

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Seeing as I've signed myself up for the Nine Edges Challenge in September to raise funds for Edale Mountain Rescue I thought I'd better get out and do some walking. How this walk appears on the website so often I'm not sure, as Wolfscote Dale is easily my least favourite of all the dales, but there again it makes it a good route for trying to walk at a reasonable pace, rather than stopping to take photos all the time.

Start: Hartington car park (SK 1269 6026)

Route: Hartington car park - Morson Wood - Beresford Dale - Wolfscote Dale - Biggin Dale - Highfield Lane - Hartington car park

Distance: 6.25 miles     Ascent: 255 metres      Time Taken: 2 hrs 48 mins

Terrain: Clear paths

Weather: Dry, cool with some blue sky

Pub Visited: None    Ale Drunk: None

Route Map >>


Gratton Hill

Heading out of Hartington to Beresford Dale I spot two very familiar sights for this time of year. Cows on the path and a group doing their Duke of Edinburgh expedition. As the group doing their D of E pass the cows without incidence I hope I will be able to do the same.

Morson Wood

Having passed the cows safely, they were more interested in eating grass than in me, I'm soon at Morson Wood.

Beresford Dale

Not surprisingly at this time of year the path through Beresford Dale is very overgrown, so it is some time before the river is visible.

Beresford Dale

I'm at the bridge by Pike Pool before I see the River Dove.

River Dove

Once across the bridge the path is much wider and there is no more trying to avoid getting stung by nettles.

River Dove

Crossing the second bridge of the day takes me back over the Dove.

Beresford Dale

Having crossed back over the river the slopes of Wolfscote Dale come into view.

Wolfscote Caves

Entering Wolfscote Dale I don't even consider heading up to visit the caves, but why not take another photo of them.

Wolfscote Dale

As it is still fairly early Wolfscote Dale is quiet. I met more people in Biggin Dale today than I did in Wolfscote Dale.

Wolfscote Dale

No sign of the sunny spells that the weather forecast had mentioned.

Wolfscote Dale

Not only is it quiet in Wolfscote Dale it is also nice and dry.

Wolfscote Dale

Head down I make rapid progress through Wolfscote Dale.

Peaseland Rocks

Before I know it I'm looking at Peaseland Rocks.

Drabber Tor

Looking back to Drabber Tor as I approach Biggin Dale.

Wolfscote Dale

Looking down Wolfscote Dale to Iron Tors, which I won't be visiting today.

Biggin Dale

This is the point at which I will leave Wolfscote Dale and head up Biggin Dale, which judging by the lack of water coming out of it is nice and dry.

Biggin Dale

Heading along Biggin Dale and there is no sign of the stream.

Biggin Dale

At times I have to remind myself to stick to the path as the section where the stream runs contains more than a few hidden rocks.

Biggn Dale

As I'm walking along Biggin Dale the cloud seems to be breaking up.

Biggin Dale

With excellent timing just as I leave the wooded section of the dale behind me blue sky appears above me.

Biggin Dale

More blue sky as I reach the head of the dale.

Biggin Dale

Seeing as the sun is actually out I sit at the top of the dale and enjoy it whilst it is there.

Biggin Dale

Just as fast as it arrived the blue sky is soon gone and so I get moving again and head out of the dale.

Biggin Dale

Normally I take the lower path to leave the dale but today I take the path climbing up on the left, towards Reynards Lane.

Biggin Dale

Looking back down the dale from the path I can see where that patch of blue sky has disappeared to.

The path takes me to an unnamed walled lane.

Biggin Dale

From the lane I can look back across the upper slopes of Biggin Dale.

It is very pleasant walking along here, especially with all the wildflowers that are in bloom. I'm also very grateful it is a walled lane as the cows in the field next to me all have young calves.

Biggin Dale

As I approach the end of the lane I look back across the lower slopes of Wolfscote Hill to Biggin Dale.

Reynards Lane

When I reach Reynards Lane I decide against heading down the lane and instead turn right to take another walled lane to Highfield Lane.


Looking back from the second unnamed lane to what I think is Dalehead.


As I approach Highfield Lane Chapel Farm and Heathcote come into view.

Wolfscote Hill

Looking back to Wolfscote Hill from Highfield Lane. As far as I'm aware there is still no permitted access to Wolfscote Hill, hopefully that will change soon.

Wetton Hill

Looking across the lower slopes of Wolfscote Hill to the two summits of Wetton Hill. The third hill is Narrowdale Hill.

Ecton Hill

Sweeping round towards Hartington and Ecton Hill is also in view.

Middle Hills

Heading down Highfield Lane and looking across towards Axe Edge. Above me the sky is looking rather strange as the bank of cloud rolls away to be replaced with the blue sky that is above it.

Axe Edge

I'm glad I decided to abandon my planned route as it wouldn't have given me these views.

Sheen Hill

Sheen Hill dominates the view as I approach the barn on Highfield Lane.


It is so nice when I get into the square in Hartington to see the cafes and pubs are open. The last time I was here we were just starting to come out of Lockdown 3 and none of them were allowed to open.


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